10 Do & Don’t While Studying and Living in Switzerland

March 04, 2021
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Studying abroad is more than just studying. It is also about living, interacting and experiencing the new culture. Different cultures might have different values. Therefore, for students who desire to study in Switzerland, it is a great idea to understand some cultural differences and to maximize your experience there.   

To help students with these concerns, here are a few helpful tips of 10 things you should do and should not do while studying and living in Switzerland.  

1. Do have a bucket list for your time in Switzerland

There are many things to do in Switzerland including hiking, skiing, traveling and more. If you choose to pursue your degree in Switzerland, it is always a great idea to have a bucket list of what you want to do there so that you are surely maximizing your time there. Take note of the great place to visit and good food to taste. One sure thing is to not miss the Swiss chocolate and cheese!  

2. Do be punctual 

Punctuality is an important virtue in Switzerland. It is something to keep in mind during your time in Switzerland. If the table of the train states that it will leave at 12.00 then it will leave no later than that. The same practice applies to the schedule of a meeting or an appointment. You are advised to arrive 5 minutes prior to the schedule and you will see that you are not alone. Being late over 15 minutes is considered very rude. 

3. Do maintain your eye contact during the handshake

For the first time greeting, a handshake will do for most people. One of the things to take note of is to maintain the eye contact when shaking hands. It is part of the body gesture that gives the positive first image. Breaking eye contact can be considered rude in this case.  

4. Do address people by their family name during the first meet 

When addressing people you do not know or meet before, it is recommended for you to address them by their family name or the formal pronounce. This is part of etiquette, and you should keep this formal approach until you are told to do otherwise.  

5. Do learn to adopt the local culture 

Being Cambodian, you might be very unfamiliar in the greeting with three kisses on the cheek. Though a handshake is usually the norm for the first meeting, you might also want to learn more about their culture including the way they greet, their table manner and more. Make friends with the locals and experience the rich culture of Switzerland.  

6. Don't expect to shop on Sunday 

Sunday is sacred for Switzerland. Unlike many of other countries in Europe, everything is closed and no one works on Sunday. The shops are all closed. Therefore, if you need anything, be sure to shop before Sunday.  

7. Don't limit to just chocolate and cheese 

Swiss chocolate and cheese are certainly a must-try when you are in Switzerland. Nevertheless, there are many more to try especially Swiss cuisine such as fondue, Raclette, Älplermagronen, Bundenernusstorte and many more. Also include those in your list!  

8. Don't litter 

Swiss like their city to be clean and do not want litter in their city. Littering is zero tolerant. You should dispose of the waste properly in the garbage cans placed every corner of road. The new rolled-out law also makes it punishable of around $310 for minor acts of littering.  

9. Don’t speak loudly in public 

Swiss do not like noisy people and it is not part of their culture to talk or speak too loudly in public. Taking, yelling, giggling or laughing loudly in public is considered rude and can invite an annoying looks at you. Be mindful of not making too much noise in the restaurant, along the road or in any public place.     

10. Don’t go against the rule and regulation 

Every building usually has its own rules and regulation. Take the rule seriously. This includes anything from no loud music time to no littering and more. If you go against the rule, expect the angry neighbor complain. In some cases, people might also call the police to come.    

What Should You Get from the Article?  

Cambodian students can learn about the 10 things that you should do and should not do when studying and living in Switzerland. Keeping in mind this information, you will be much easier to adapt yourself to the China culture without unintentionally offending people.    

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